At the beginning of our class period, we begun the filming for our commercial. Afterwards we were planning on editing the film. First, we dumped all of the material from the SD card and card readers onto the desktop. We created a folder that would store all of our film. We automatically assumed that the editing process would go smoothly and the computers would work perfectly. However, this was not the case. Our overall editing process was very complicated. All of the complications made the process very frustrating and difficult. As all of these complications were out of our control, there was no solution that we could have reached in the moment. None of these complications were those that we could have foreseen either, which makes it difficult to prevent.
From the beginning, we first walked into the class room and returned all of our objects. We used equipment like tripods, camera and an SD card. We returned all of these and proceeded to take the SD card and card reader and insert it into the computer. From the start, the computer would not start up. Once we put in our username and password into the system, the computer would load for a long time. It took about 20 minutes to boot up, which took a lot of the time to load. Once we put all of the film on the computer, we needed to then open pinnacle studios. This is a very big app on the computer, which also did not work in our favor. This was the only application that we could have used to edit on these computers but it would not start up. Every time we began to use it, the system would crash.
The problems continued when we attempted to upload our footage onto pinnacle studios. The computer would provide a message stating that it was loading but it would never load. After approximately 20 minutes, the app would crash and start over. This process made the whole editing process very complicated and difficult for the entire class. We hope to soon get new computers, or edit on the laptops. This will hopefully solve the problem and allow us to finally begin editing for our commercials. After filming, we were really looking forward to editing and finalizing our commercial. Once we get either a new computer or a laptop, we can finally turn in our final product. We are concerned that we will not be able to turn it in on time, or we will be behind on other products necessary for this class. However, we will find a solution.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Thursday, October 24, 2019
On Wednesday, October 23, my group officially filmed our commercial. Just to reiterate, our commercial is for Nike, composed by Me, Julia and Jorge. We used props like Nike clothes, shoes and bags to show the brand being used in sports, in specific for running. We filmed on the track, and we showed Julia and Jorge running and doing athletic activities while wearing Nike. I was behind the camera, filming the shots. I was in charge of using the camera and making sure each shot was filmed correctly. We used most of the ideas from the storyboard, however we thought of some new clips that we could incorporate while we were outside. For example, when we were walking out to the track, we thought of using the bleachers as a prop to showcase Nike shoes in action. This was not on our storyboard, but we will most likely include this in the final commercial. All 3 of us contributed to different aspects of the commercial so that it will all successfully come together how we had it planned at the end.
We started off in the classroom. The first step to filming was to sign out the materials needed from the classroom. We needed a camera, a tripod, the SD card and the card reader, and a pass so that we could film on the track. Once this was all completed, we were able to change into the clothing and shoes necessary to portray Nike on the actors. We had shirts, shorts, bags and shoes that we used as props. Once we got out to the track, we set up the tripod and camera the way that we had been instructed to. Once the camera was on the tripod, we had to insert the SD card into the camera so that the filming process could begin. Working the camera took some getting used to, but after a few shots I was able to successfully use the camera. Some of the filming was difficult to cooperate with the natural light. We made sure to place the camera in a way where the sun was not blocking any actors, or making it difficult to see.
One of the shots we filmed were of Julia and Jorge starting at the starting line and racing to the finish line. The camera was situated on the tripod from a high angle. Once they took off, I moved the camera upwards so that the subjects of the shot were still within the frame of the camera. Another shot that we created was of Julia and Jorge shaking hands, exemplifying good sportsmanship after a race. This was a two-person shot that we created using the tripod attached to the camera. The next shot that we created was of Jorge initially walking out to the track through the railings of the bleachers. Halfway through this clip, we zoomed into his backpack, furthermore the Nike symbol. This was a tracking shot, as I had to follow Jorge when he was walking to ensure that the Nike symbol on his backpack was easily visible to the audience. Once all the filming was done, we went back to class to return all of the materials and sign them back in. We took out the SD card and placed it into the card reader, then into the computer. We dumped all the shots that we took into a folder on the computer, so that next time we will be able to start editing our commercial.
We started off in the classroom. The first step to filming was to sign out the materials needed from the classroom. We needed a camera, a tripod, the SD card and the card reader, and a pass so that we could film on the track. Once this was all completed, we were able to change into the clothing and shoes necessary to portray Nike on the actors. We had shirts, shorts, bags and shoes that we used as props. Once we got out to the track, we set up the tripod and camera the way that we had been instructed to. Once the camera was on the tripod, we had to insert the SD card into the camera so that the filming process could begin. Working the camera took some getting used to, but after a few shots I was able to successfully use the camera. Some of the filming was difficult to cooperate with the natural light. We made sure to place the camera in a way where the sun was not blocking any actors, or making it difficult to see.
One of the shots we filmed were of Julia and Jorge starting at the starting line and racing to the finish line. The camera was situated on the tripod from a high angle. Once they took off, I moved the camera upwards so that the subjects of the shot were still within the frame of the camera. Another shot that we created was of Julia and Jorge shaking hands, exemplifying good sportsmanship after a race. This was a two-person shot that we created using the tripod attached to the camera. The next shot that we created was of Jorge initially walking out to the track through the railings of the bleachers. Halfway through this clip, we zoomed into his backpack, furthermore the Nike symbol. This was a tracking shot, as I had to follow Jorge when he was walking to ensure that the Nike symbol on his backpack was easily visible to the audience. Once all the filming was done, we went back to class to return all of the materials and sign them back in. We took out the SD card and placed it into the card reader, then into the computer. We dumped all the shots that we took into a folder on the computer, so that next time we will be able to start editing our commercial.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Story Boarding
Today in class, we storyboarded our commercial. Our group is doing a Nike commercial, and it will be about a track race. Our first scene of our commercial is a tracking shot of the two racers walking toward the track. Our next scene is the racers lacing up there shoes. The angle and shot of this scene will be a close-ups shot and a high angle. For our third scene, it will be the racers lining up at the line. On the fourth scene. It will be a long shot followed by a tracking shot because the racers will actually be running in this scene. I’m the fifth scene, the runner will be running through the line and it will be a long shot/ high angle. On the last scene of the commercial it will be a shot of the racers shaking hands. This will be recorded by a medium shot with a eye leveled angle.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Today, 10/15/19, our class learned about the cameras, tripods and how to edit your film. The cameras we are using are Cannons, with the option to use a tripod to keep your film steadier. We learned a lot about how to use the camera and the specifics of it. The cameras are all touch screen, with the ability to charge. To charge, it is suggested to charge overnight, as it takes a while to charge. To turn on and off, there is no on and off button, so it is required to open and close the screen. To turn on, flip open and to turn off, flip the screen closed. The silver button with a red line is the recording button. To start the take, press once. To stop, press again and the take is completed. It is advised to take multiple takes of each shot to make sure everything is correct, the way it was planned to look. To use the tripod and extend the legs, flip the bottoms open and the legs should be able to pull out. To attract, open the lever and screw onto the bottom of the camera. To make sure the film is not shaky and does not look like a handheld shot, we learned to be sure to tighten the screws. Once it is attached, the lever will crank to drop or rise the camera. It is important that we do not carry the tripod attached to the camera, just in case of any emergencies.
As for editing, we are using pinnacle studios, which should be installed on every computer already. First, we learned to create a folder that we can import all of our film onto. If we just imported our film directly onto pinnacle studios, then there is a risk that it might crash and all our film will be lost. Once we create the folder, we put the SD card that is already in the card reader into the port on the computer. This process of taking all of the information from the SD card to the computer is called dumping. Next, we click DCIM, which is where all of the takes should be. If they are not here, they should be under private AVCHD and then stream. Then, we move the clips to the commercial folder that we created earlier. Once this is completed, we then go onto pinnacle studios to begin editing. If there is already a sample film there created by the company itself, we are advised to click file, then new movie and it should be cleared. Next, we click import>desktop+>your folder>check all and then start all the import. All of the raw footage, (the actual takes) should appear on the screen. Track 1 is for text, track 2 is film and track 3 music. We are able to highlight each clip and stage them into the order makes sense for our commercial. Once it turns green it is loaded and ready to edit. If we do not wait until it is green, then it will crash and our information will be lost. We learned to use the play bar to see our progress, start and stop to watch it, double click to zoom in and double click again to zoom out. When you right click on the take, you are able to speed it up, slow it down, reverse it or for even more, open effects editor. Here, you can change color, transitions and more. To mute the whole film, hit mute for the whole track. To mute a specific clip, detach the audio, click audio and then click delete. For a voice over, film the voice over like a normal clip, import and remove the video. To export and save, click export at the top right next to import, make sure Mpeg 4 is selected, as well as SD best quality. Title the commercial and save. All of these steps should lead to a successful filming and commercial experience.
As for editing, we are using pinnacle studios, which should be installed on every computer already. First, we learned to create a folder that we can import all of our film onto. If we just imported our film directly onto pinnacle studios, then there is a risk that it might crash and all our film will be lost. Once we create the folder, we put the SD card that is already in the card reader into the port on the computer. This process of taking all of the information from the SD card to the computer is called dumping. Next, we click DCIM, which is where all of the takes should be. If they are not here, they should be under private AVCHD and then stream. Then, we move the clips to the commercial folder that we created earlier. Once this is completed, we then go onto pinnacle studios to begin editing. If there is already a sample film there created by the company itself, we are advised to click file, then new movie and it should be cleared. Next, we click import>desktop+>your folder>check all and then start all the import. All of the raw footage, (the actual takes) should appear on the screen. Track 1 is for text, track 2 is film and track 3 music. We are able to highlight each clip and stage them into the order makes sense for our commercial. Once it turns green it is loaded and ready to edit. If we do not wait until it is green, then it will crash and our information will be lost. We learned to use the play bar to see our progress, start and stop to watch it, double click to zoom in and double click again to zoom out. When you right click on the take, you are able to speed it up, slow it down, reverse it or for even more, open effects editor. Here, you can change color, transitions and more. To mute the whole film, hit mute for the whole track. To mute a specific clip, detach the audio, click audio and then click delete. For a voice over, film the voice over like a normal clip, import and remove the video. To export and save, click export at the top right next to import, make sure Mpeg 4 is selected, as well as SD best quality. Title the commercial and save. All of these steps should lead to a successful filming and commercial experience.
Friday, October 11, 2019
For our commercial, our general idea is to use the track and create a Nike themed commercial. We are looking to include Nike materials like clothes and props to show physical activity wearing the brand. We are advertising the brand, so that people will want to buy it and see the “affect” it has on the consumers. The overall goal is to show athletic activity with the help of the brand. We are going to film on the track, and if not on the stairs in the school. We are going to show running, using the track to show the brand Nike in action. All 3 of us will be shown running, and using props like water bottles or sneakers. If this plan does not work, we will film on the stairs and have an overall theme of training using the stairs as our main prop. Next class, we will be creating our story board so then we will finalize our plan, hopefully using the track.
Listed below are more details to go more in depth of our plan:
We will be incorporating Nike water bottles and Nike bags. There’s not many other props to use for our commercial, as we are demonstrating track.
All subjects will be dressed in Nike apparel such as: shoes, socks, shirts, shorts and headbands.
10/11/19 Plan our commercial
10/15/19 Storyboard for our commercial
10/22/19 Film commercial
10/24/19 Edit commercial
Main location- School’s track
Back-up Location- School’s main stairs
Back-up Plan
Our back-up plan for filming is to record the subject running the school stairs as if they were training. The props costume and schedule shouldn’t change at all. The only difference would be the change of location.
Listed below are more details to go more in depth of our plan:
We will be incorporating Nike water bottles and Nike bags. There’s not many other props to use for our commercial, as we are demonstrating track.
All subjects will be dressed in Nike apparel such as: shoes, socks, shirts, shorts and headbands.
10/11/19 Plan our commercial
10/15/19 Storyboard for our commercial
10/22/19 Film commercial
10/24/19 Edit commercial
Main location- School’s track
Back-up Location- School’s main stairs
Back-up Plan
Our back-up plan for filming is to record the subject running the school stairs as if they were training. The props costume and schedule shouldn’t change at all. The only difference would be the change of location.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Research Conventions and Codes
Today, we started discussing our groups and topics of our commercial. We are given a choice between different businesses or companies like Starbucks or Dunkin’ donuts, or a Fort Lauderdale High School commercial. There is also an option to do an anti-vaping campaign. With further discussion between Jorge, Julia and I, we have decided to do a Nike commercial. At first we debated between Nike and Dunkin’ donuts, but we figured if we would film at the track at school, Nike would be much easier. We agreed that Nike would be much easier, and we all have the most ideas for this topic. We have done our research and looked up multiple commercials that have previously been created by Nike. All of which contain ideas that would relate to us and be easy to make.
In the first Nike commercial that we collectively watched, it started with an ariel view of a soccer stadium. It shows who the main character of the commercial will be about, and where it takes place. Within the first 10 seconds, it shows the concepts of teamwork and fellowship. All of the character are in Nike apparel, in proper costume to fit the setting. As they are in a soccer stadium, they are in their uniforms which we are making sure to include in our commercials. Following, it is portraying the conflicts between the players within the game and action shots or videos of the actual event taking place. The end of the commercial is showing the audience that anything is possible, and that there is a deeper message within each video. The girl being constantly shown through the commercial ends up succeeding, and it is shown when she scores the final goal.
After watching these commercials we have many ideas as to what we can possibly create for this commercial. Our first idea was to film it outside of school where we can get an interesting location. However, after reading the rules and expectations, we are not allowed to film outside of our school. The place within our school that would make the most sense to film at would be our track, so we decided to have a running/track themed commercial, wearing all nike. Our commercial will show that Nike can assist in reaching our goals, and succeeding in physical activity, specifically running. We will include Nike shirts, shorts, shoes and socks. We are also aiming to include props that are also branded with Nike, such as water bottles.
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Hello. I am Danielle from Fort Lauderdale High School. I am 15 years old and I am currently in 10th grade. At my school, I participate in the Cambridge program, where I take various rigorous AICE classes. I must take 7 to receive the diploma, and I am currently taking the last 4 to complete all of my AICE credits. I enjoy school and learning new things, especially in subjects like math and English. The classes that I am taking now are: AICE English Language, AICE Media Studies, AICE European History, AICE Thinking Skills, Culinary Arts 2 Honors, Chemistry Honors and lastly Pre-Calculus Honors. Next year, I hope to take AP classes as well. My plan is to always do well in school, so that I can hopefully get into a good college, like University of Florida.
One of my many interests includes dancing. I have been dancing since I was 5 years old at Astrid Audet Academy of Ballet and more. I dance every day of the week except for Fridays and Sundays. We do 2 shows a year, our annual recital and the Nutcracker ballet. We also attend one competition in April, which is one of the highlights of my year. I find dance as a source of relief, and a safe place. It is calming every day after school to go to dance, and be in a healthy environment with all of my close friends. It is also a good way to stay healthy and in shape, all year round. A few years ago, I was accepted to the Joffrey summer program in New York City, where I spent 2 weeks. I learned so much and grew tremendously as a dancer, which I hope to continue to do for the next few years, hopefully in college as well.
Some more of my interests include spending time with my friends and family, going to the gym and traveling. I enjoy visiting new places with my family, and experiencing new activities as well. In my free time when I am not at dance, I enjoy going to the gym and working out for fun. I appreciate eating healthy and staying fit through exercise like the gym, or even at dance. I also enjoy spending time with my friends and on the weekends. I am an only child, so my family, including my grandparents are very special to me. On the other hand, one of my dislikes are doing homework, or a lot of school work. I do not dislike many things, however I find homework to be a burden on me. I know that it is crucial for success in school that I must complete all of my work, but I do not enjoy it.
One of my many interests includes dancing. I have been dancing since I was 5 years old at Astrid Audet Academy of Ballet and more. I dance every day of the week except for Fridays and Sundays. We do 2 shows a year, our annual recital and the Nutcracker ballet. We also attend one competition in April, which is one of the highlights of my year. I find dance as a source of relief, and a safe place. It is calming every day after school to go to dance, and be in a healthy environment with all of my close friends. It is also a good way to stay healthy and in shape, all year round. A few years ago, I was accepted to the Joffrey summer program in New York City, where I spent 2 weeks. I learned so much and grew tremendously as a dancer, which I hope to continue to do for the next few years, hopefully in college as well.
Some more of my interests include spending time with my friends and family, going to the gym and traveling. I enjoy visiting new places with my family, and experiencing new activities as well. In my free time when I am not at dance, I enjoy going to the gym and working out for fun. I appreciate eating healthy and staying fit through exercise like the gym, or even at dance. I also enjoy spending time with my friends and on the weekends. I am an only child, so my family, including my grandparents are very special to me. On the other hand, one of my dislikes are doing homework, or a lot of school work. I do not dislike many things, however I find homework to be a burden on me. I know that it is crucial for success in school that I must complete all of my work, but I do not enjoy it.
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