Today, 10/15/19, our class learned about the cameras, tripods and how to edit your film. The cameras we are using are Cannons, with the option to use a tripod to keep your film steadier. We learned a lot about how to use the camera and the specifics of it. The cameras are all touch screen, with the ability to charge. To charge, it is suggested to charge overnight, as it takes a while to charge. To turn on and off, there is no on and off button, so it is required to open and close the screen. To turn on, flip open and to turn off, flip the screen closed. The silver button with a red line is the recording button. To start the take, press once. To stop, press again and the take is completed. It is advised to take multiple takes of each shot to make sure everything is correct, the way it was planned to look. To use the tripod and extend the legs, flip the bottoms open and the legs should be able to pull out. To attract, open the lever and screw onto the bottom of the camera. To make sure the film is not shaky and does not look like a handheld shot, we learned to be sure to tighten the screws. Once it is attached, the lever will crank to drop or rise the camera. It is important that we do not carry the tripod attached to the camera, just in case of any emergencies.
As for editing, we are using pinnacle studios, which should be installed on every computer already. First, we learned to create a folder that we can import all of our film onto. If we just imported our film directly onto pinnacle studios, then there is a risk that it might crash and all our film will be lost. Once we create the folder, we put the SD card that is already in the card reader into the port on the computer. This process of taking all of the information from the SD card to the computer is called dumping. Next, we click DCIM, which is where all of the takes should be. If they are not here, they should be under private AVCHD and then stream. Then, we move the clips to the commercial folder that we created earlier. Once this is completed, we then go onto pinnacle studios to begin editing. If there is already a sample film there created by the company itself, we are advised to click file, then new movie and it should be cleared. Next, we click import>desktop+>your folder>check all and then start all the import. All of the raw footage, (the actual takes) should appear on the screen. Track 1 is for text, track 2 is film and track 3 music. We are able to highlight each clip and stage them into the order makes sense for our commercial. Once it turns green it is loaded and ready to edit. If we do not wait until it is green, then it will crash and our information will be lost. We learned to use the play bar to see our progress, start and stop to watch it, double click to zoom in and double click again to zoom out. When you right click on the take, you are able to speed it up, slow it down, reverse it or for even more, open effects editor. Here, you can change color, transitions and more. To mute the whole film, hit mute for the whole track. To mute a specific clip, detach the audio, click audio and then click delete. For a voice over, film the voice over like a normal clip, import and remove the video. To export and save, click export at the top right next to import, make sure Mpeg 4 is selected, as well as SD best quality. Title the commercial and save. All of these steps should lead to a successful filming and commercial experience.
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